How to create links
There are several ways to create links in PageMill.
Drag and drop linking
The easiest one is to select some text:
Select this text for example.
and then to find the page icon
of the page you want to link
TO and drag and drop that icon right on top of the selected text.

Do it now. This will create a link:
Select this text for example.
Neither page has to be the front window for this drag and drop to work (although
both have to be in edit mode). As you work with pages and create links you
will appreciate this more and more because it allows you to link without
completely rearranging your desktop all the time.
Note that only saved pages will have a page icon visible. You cannot link
to unsaved pages.
Manual linking
Another way to link is to select the text you want to link, go to the bottom
of the page and click right of the globe, in the Link address bar:
and to start typing in an address there:
Dont forget to
press return when you are done.
Link Stealing
Of course, you can copy and paste or drag and drop links from other pages,
or the pasteboard. PageMill will ensure they always work in the receiving
Triple clicking on any link will select all of the link's text.
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